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So far Mac Bain has created 189 blog entries.

Le gouvernement ontarien annonce la permanence du programme PRTE-SIN


La Fédération des municipalités du Nord de l’Ontario (FONOM) est heureuse d’apprendre que le gouvernement de l’Ontario, dans le cadre de son prochain budget, rendra permanent le Programme de réduction des tarifs d’électricité pour le secteur industriel du Nord (PRTE-SIN).

Le gouvernement ontarien annonce la permanence du programme PRTE-SIN2020-10-19T14:46:08-04:00

FONOM: Ontario Government Announces Permanency of NIER Program


The Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities (FONOM) is pleased to hear that the Ontario government will make the Northern Industrial Electricity Rate (NIER) Program permanent in the upcoming budget.

FONOM: Ontario Government Announces Permanency of NIER Program2020-10-19T14:46:08-04:00

FONOM Meets with Provincial Cabinet at ROMA/OGRA


The Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities (FONOM) met with members of the Provincial Cabinet yesterday at the Rural Ontario Municipal Association (ROMA)/Ontario Good Roads Association (OGRA) Combined Conference in Toronto.

FONOM Meets with Provincial Cabinet at ROMA/OGRA2020-10-19T14:46:08-04:00

Le projet de loi 52 ne protégera pas les véritables victimes des poursuites-bâillons en Ontario


En fait, selon la Fédération des municipalités du Nord de l’Ontario (FONOM), la mesure législative proposée par le gouvernement ontarien, le Projet de loi 52 ou la Loi de 2014 sur la protection du droit à la participation aux affaires publiques n’assure pas la protection de la participation du public et crée simplement plus de travail pour les juristes.

Le projet de loi 52 ne protégera pas les véritables victimes des poursuites-bâillons en Ontario2020-10-19T14:46:08-04:00

Bill 52 Won’t Protect Real Victims of SLAPP Suits in Ontario


The Ontario Government’s proposed ‘Protection of Public Participation Act’ doesn’t actually protect public participation and in fact simply creates more work for lawyers says the Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities (FONOM).

Bill 52 Won’t Protect Real Victims of SLAPP Suits in Ontario2020-10-19T14:46:09-04:00

FONOM Attends Northern Leaders’ Dialogue


The Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities (FONOM) attended the Northern Leaders’ Dialogue in Sault Ste. Marie along with other municipal and Aboriginal leaders to discuss issues affecting the north as well as the Growth Plan for Northern Ontario.

FONOM Attends Northern Leaders’ Dialogue2020-10-19T14:46:09-04:00

FONOM Attends Northern Leaders’ Dialogue


Des délégués de la Fédération des municipalités du Nord de l’Ontario (FONOM), ainsi que des représentants municipaux et autochtones se sont rendus à Sault Ste. Marie pour prendre part au dialogue des dirigeants du Nord où ils ont discuté de dossiers touchant le Nord ainsi que du Plan de croissance du Nord de l’Ontario.

FONOM Attends Northern Leaders’ Dialogue2020-10-19T14:46:09-04:00

FONOM Recognizes the Support of FedNor in the North


The Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities (FONOM) recognizes the investments in northern Ontario communities by FedNor. The Northern Policy Institute (NPI) in partnership with the Mowat Centre and the Institute for Competitiveness and Prosperity recently developed a Federal Economic Agenda for Ontario discussion paper. During their consultations with northern stakeholders, NPI released preliminary feedback that states there is a lack of engagement from FedNor in northeastern communities.

FONOM Recognizes the Support of FedNor in the North2020-10-19T14:47:05-04:00

Ministers of Natural Resources and Forestry and Northern Development and Mines Hear Concerns from Northern Mayors


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Ministers of Natural Resources and Forestry and Northern Development and Mines Hear Concerns from Northern Mayors2020-10-19T14:47:05-04:00
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