Monthly Archives: August 2017

Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry Commits to Delaying the Posting of the Draft Species At Risk Guide


The Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities (FONOM) is pleased with the commitment to delay the posting of the draft Species At Risk (SAR) guide for 28 species to the Environmental Registry by the Hon. Kathryn McGarry, Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF).

Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry Commits to Delaying the Posting of the Draft Species At Risk Guide2020-10-19T14:52:37-04:00

Engagement du ministère des Richesses naturelles et des Forêts à retarder l’inscription du projet de Guide des espèces en péril


À la Fédération des municipalités du Nord de l’Ontario (FMNO), on se réjouit de l’engagement de Mme Kathryn McGarry, ministre des Richesses naturelles et des Forêts (MRNF), de retarder l’inscription au Registre environnemental du projet de Guide des espèces en péril (EEP) pour 28 espèces.

Engagement du ministère des Richesses naturelles et des Forêts à retarder l’inscription du projet de Guide des espèces en péril2020-10-19T14:52:09-04:00

Provincial Government Neglect to Consult with Municipalities on Draft Species At Risk Guide


Leaders’ from the Northwestern Ontario Municipal Association (NOMA), the Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities (FONOM) and the Rural Ontario Municipal Association (ROMA) are expressing deep concerns with the proposed Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) plans to post a draft Species at Risk (SAR) Guide to the Environmental Registry for 28 species

Provincial Government Neglect to Consult with Municipalities on Draft Species At Risk Guide2020-10-19T14:52:09-04:00
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