Monthly Archives: April 2013

FONOM to Tell Ontarians the ‘Boreal Matters’


The Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities is preparing to launch a campaign designed to bring residents from across Ontario into a conversation about the importance of Ontario’s boreal forest to northern communities, Ontario’s economy and the environment. FONOM’s efforts come on the heels of another announcement from the eNGO community that threatens the work of the historical Canadian Boreal Forest Agreement.

FONOM to Tell Ontarians the ‘Boreal Matters’2020-09-25T21:27:40-04:00

ONTC Divestment Will Hurt Communication in Northern Ontario


The Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities (FONOM) is once again calling on the Wynne government to halt the divestment of the ONTC. FONOM is increasingly concerned that while the Wynne government is prepared to engage in a dialogue, no commitment to pausing the process during that dialogue has been made.

ONTC Divestment Will Hurt Communication in Northern Ontario2020-09-25T21:27:40-04:00
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